- Army Camp - AC, camps, army, troops
- Barracks - racks, rax, brax
- Dark Barracks - DB, Dark racks, dark rax
- Laboratory - Lab, research
- Spell Factory - SF, factory
- Dark Spell Factory - DF factory, DSF
- Barbarian King - BK, king, BKing, Burger King
- Archer Queen - AQ, queen, AQueen,
- Town Hall - TH, hall
- Clan Castle - CC, castle
- Cannon - N/A
- Archer Tower - AT, Arch Tower
- Mortar - AoE
- Air Defense - AD
- Wizard Tower - WT, wiz tower, AoE, Mage
- Hidden Tesla - HT, tesla
- X-Bow - bow, XB, crossbow
- Inferno Tower - IT, inferno, discoes
- Air Sweeper - AS, sweeper, leaf blower, hair dryer, blower
- Walls
- Level 1 - wood
- Level 2 - stone
- Level 3 - stone
- Level 4 - grey
- Level 5 - gold
- Level 6 - crystal, pink
- Level 7 - dark crystal, purple
- Level 8 - skulls
- Level 9 - legoes
- Level 10 - lavas
- Level 11 - magma, OJ. Previously known as zaps
- Traps - N/A
- Bomb - small bomb
- Giant Bomb - GB, gbomb
- Double Giant Bomb - DBG, DGiB
- Spring Trap - ST, spring
- Air Bomb - AB, abomb
- Seeking Air Mine - SAM, seeking
- Skeleton Trap - Skele trap
- Gold Mine - GM, mine
- Elixir Collector - EC, collector, pumps, stills
- Elixir Storage - ES, lix storage, store
- Gold Storage - GS, gold store
- Dark Elixir Storage - DES, DE store
- Dark Elixir Drill - DED, drill
- Builder's Hut - hut, builder,
- Gold - money, coins
- Elixir - Elix, lix, mana, wine, purple, pink
- Dark Elixir - DE, Delixir, pepsi, dark
- Gems - gemmies, diamonds, jewels, etc.
- Barbarian - barb, barbie
- Archer - arch
- Goblin - gob,
- Giant - tank, Gi (used in army comp names)
- Wall Breaker - WB, breaker, suicide bomber
- Balloon - bloon, loon
- Wizard - wiz, wizzie, mage
- Healer-angel
- Dragon-drag, draggies, birds
- P.E.K.K.A - pekkies, [abbreviation of player choice]
- Minion - minnies, nion (used in army comp names)
- Hog Rider - HR, hogs, pigs, bacon, Mr T.
- Valkyrie - valkies, valks, axe woman, whirlwind
- Golem - gol, , boulder, Go (used in army comp names)
- Golemite - gmite, mite
- Witch - resurrector, necromancer, Wi (used in army comp names)
- Skeleton - skels
- Lava Hound - Hound, hotdog, dog
- Lava Pups - puppies, pups,
- Lightning Spell - LS, lightning, zap
- Healing Spell - HS, heal
- Rage Spell - RS, rage
- Jump Spell - JS, jump
- Freeze Spell - FS, freeze
- Poison Spell - PS, poison
- Earthquake Spell - EQ, quake
- Haste Spell - HS, haste
Army Compositions
- Rush - single group of a single troop, usually Tier 1 troops
- Raid - when you attack another person's village, or the Single Player Campaign
- Meat Shield - a unit used to soak up damage, usually Giants, Barbarians, Hog Riders or Golems, to distract enemy defenses
- BAM - Barbarian Archer Minion rush
- BARCH - Barbarian Archer rush, also known as BArch
- WAG - Traditional Archer-Giant combination with Wall Breakers
- GoHo - Golems and Hogs, usually accompanied by Wizards
- GoLavaloon/GoLaloon - Golems, Lava Hounds and Balloons usually accompanied by Wizards
- GoWiPE - Golem Wizard PEKKA heavy composition
- GiWiPE - A cheaper version of GoWiPE with Golems being replaced with Giants
- GoWiWi - Golem Wizard Witch heavy composition
- GiWiWi - A cheaper version of GoWiWi with Golems being replaced with Giant
- GoVaPE - Golem Valkyrie PEKKA heavy army composition
- GiWiVa - Giants, Wizards and Valkyrie composition
- GiVaPe - a Giant, Valkyrie, PEKKA heavy composition
- Valkyrie Tornado - A Giant, Valkyrie, Healer heavy composition
- GoWiVaWiPe - Uses Golems, Witches, Wizards, Valkyrie and PEKKA - composition that Unity Sharp used in forum elite.
- ArBarWitch - Archer Barbarian Witch composition
- GoWiVa - a Golem, Valkyrie, Witch heavy composition
- Balloonion - Balloons and Minion mass attack, also known as loonion or miniball
- GoViz - Golem, Wizard Valkyrie heavy army composition
- DRAGWiPE - Dragons, Wizards and PEKKA heavy attack
- Dragloonion - Dragon, Balloon and Minion air raid
- Dragoon - Dragon Balloon army composition
- Lavaloonion - Lava Hounds, Balloons (shorted as 'Loons) and Minions pushing comp
- Quatrolavaloon/Pentalavaloon - Lavaloon including 4/5 Lava Hounds, a more heavy set up.
- HoLoWiWi - Hog Riders, Balloons (shortened as 'Loons') , Wizard and Witch heavy army composition
- Superqueen - a queen aided by multiple healers primarily used for farming Dark Elixir.
- Miniwall - a joke army composition consisting of minions and wall breakers popularized by Daddy
- AMin - Archer Minion attack
- GARCH - Goblin Archer farming attack / also known as Giant Archer attack
- Priestess/Emperor - A Hero aided and healed by Healers and Healing Spells
- Air raid - a complete raid using mostly air troops
- Sniping - attacking a specific building, usually the Town Hall or a resource building for either farming or trophy hunting purposes
- BAG - Barbarian Archer Goblin attack
- BAGi - Barbarian Archer Giant attack
- Noah's Ark - Using 2 of every troop except Golems and Lava Hounds where only one is used
- Giant-Healer combo - using a Healer, many Giants and other troops of the players choice attack. Also known as GHealer
- Picking - attacking buildings outside of any defenses range, usually with archers or wizards
- Lure - to draw either a Hero or Clan Castle troops to a place outside of any defenses and defeat it with troops
- sub 200 - dropping trophies to stay below 200 trophies to attack players with minimal troops, which usually is done within long periods of playing
- sub 100 - dropping trophies to stay below 100 trophies to attack players with minimal troops, which usually is done within long periods of playing. Very similar to sub 200 but is rumored to have better loot
- Wi - Slang used in army composition names which means Wizard or Witches, which also applies to to other troop names such as Gi, Ba, Ho, Lo, etc.
- Spam/swarm - to mass deploy troops to overwhelm defenses.
- Tank - using troops to distract defenses
War Terms
- Weight - the defensive capability of a player, which is used to calculate war matchups. Certain buildings contain a higher weight than others such as Infernoes and X-Bows.
- Shattered - an attack which is split into separate groups.
- Surgical Strike - an attack requiring precise deployment of troops.
- Under Attack - UA
- Mirror - the enemy team's player with the same ranking as yourself.
- Wave - a group of troops sent in timed deployments
- Clean up - Re-attacking previously attacked bases for further stars
- Cold Blooded - The use of 1 Golem to kill the either the Archer Queen, defenses and/or Clan Castle.
- Shattered - The use of 2 Golems to kill the either the Archer Queen, defenses and/or Clan Castle.
- Stoned - The use of 3 Golems to kill the either the Archer Queen, defenses and/or Clan Castle.
- Brimstone - The use of 5 Golems; not necessarily used to specifically kill the Archer Queen and/or Clan Castle troops.
- Freakshow - The use of 6 or more Golems; not necessarily used to specifically kill the Archer Queen and/or Clan Castle troops.
- Hocus Pocus: Mass Witch attack, used in wars and high-level gameplay.
- Needle - The use of 10 or less balloons.
- Swarm - The use of 11 or more balloons.
- .5 - a strategy of upgrading a a players Town Hall and upgrading purely offense and using leftover resources for walls and Hero upgrades. This is to decrease the 'weight' of a player in war and to match up with lower mirror. For on example, a Town Hall 8.5 will be paired up with a regular Town Hall 8 except the 8.5 will have the offensive advantage. Confirmed to barely work post match making update under certain circumstances.
- Ambush war - creating/modifying a current clan to match TH levels/weight of another clan to war with them. Requires a lot of preparation and is very difficult to have a successful ambush.
- Kill Squad - refers to the group of troops, usually with minimum a Golem and wizards, that is a main DPS force. Sometimes contains one hero.
- 223 - a CC request that means 2 witches, 2 wizards and 3 barbarians. Used by TH10 Clan Castles
- 111 - a CC request that means 1 golem, 1 wizard and 1 barbarian. Used by TH10 Clan Castles
- 212 - a CC request that means 2 witches, 1 wizard and 2 barbarians. Used by TH9 Clan Castles
- TWC - short for Top War Clan
- FPC - short for FairPlay Community
- M4X Attack - a strategy of using Quad-EQ to open up a big section of inner walls, ane allow high level Heroes to take over the insides.
- Queen Walk - a Queen walk refers to using the Queen in war with 3-6 healers to 'walk' around the perimeters of the base, and being able to kill 1/3-1/4th the base's outer Layer of defenses.
- Queen Killing: A term referring to the set attack strategy of having a Golem within reach of range of Defending Queen, while Attack King gets aggro-ed by the Queen and heads straight for her, swinging and killing her. Usually a Jump spell is needed to ensure golem goes inside.
- Aggro: when a attacking or defending troops switches target when a troop from the same side that is within range gets injured by opposing troops. The switch happens due to the AI of the troop wanting to 'help defend' the targeted initial troop.
- Pulling: Similar to aggro (where aggro refers to the aggression of a troop), pulling refers to the action of either grabbing the attention or 'dragging' the opponent's troops out of a certain location.
- Clean up Wiz: Refers to the 2-4 extra wizards intentionally saved for the very end when defenses are gone, to kill the junk buildings along the perimeter so time doesn't run out.
- Suicide Hogs: Refers to a group of 5-8 hogs outside of the function of defense killing, serves as a purpose of heading straight into double giant bombs and 'suicidally' trigger the set, in order to protect the real Squad of hogs.
- Junk Buildings: Refers to gold mines, collects, or any non - defensive buildings located outside the walls of a war base, along the perimeter that serves as a buffer.
Base Designing Terms
- Corner-a poor base used by beginners by using a corner to build a base, with up to 2 sides unprotected
- Egg - a base surrounded by many layers of walls
- Packed - a base with nearly or all buildings inside usually a single layer of walls
- Split - a base that is separated into 2 mini-bases
- Pocketed - a base with 'pockets' that house more than one building per capsule
- Spiral - a base that spirals around usually in rotational symmetry
- Ring - a base which has a 'ring' layer which leads melee troops in a large circle to divert them from ranged troops
- Bulkhead - a base that has most buildings surrounded by a layer of walls with uses up many walls during the process
- Variant - a base that is inspired or based from another design - usually for different levels of Town Halls.
- Vault - a base with most or all valuables in a single compartment usually heavily surrounded by defenses.
- Core - the center and usually most important part of a base.
- Black Hole - a base which has a large spawn point in the middle of the base to lure attackers to attack from there, usually bombarded with traps and covered with splash damaging buildings
- Labyrinth - a base with a unique wall structure creating multiple intentional gaps which are used to cleverly manipulate troop AI supported with the use of traps and sieves.
- X-Core - a base with an X-shaped design as it's core.
- Spiking - an old and now extinct method used to place dud walls that protrude of of the main base to fool Wall Breakers
- T-junction - Walls positioned in a T shape, allowing three way access to different compartments.
- L-junction - Walls positioned in a L shape, allowing one way access to different compartments.
- X-junction - Walls positioned in a X shape, allowing four way access to different compartments. Considered one of the most important part of a wall
- Compartment - a section of a base with a minimum of one building inside it
- Funnelling - having an intentional gap so troops, usually Giants, will automatically go through the gap and get spring trapped
- Farmer - a player who does not care about trophies but rather for loot
- Trophy Hunter - a player who does not care about loot but rather for trophies
- Hybrid - A player who cares for both trophies and loot
- Cornering - having buildings at the corner of a village, usually to prevent attackers from getting 100% on their raid
- Anti - a base designed specifically to repel a certain troop/army composition
- Forcing - pushing back the minimal spawn point with buildings to buy extra time for defenses to attack enemy troops
- Collector/abandoned bases - a base which has not been logged onto for an extended period of time and has been attacked multiple times removing most or all of the loot in the storages and leaving a large uncollected portion of loot in the collectors. Highly favored by farmers due to the minimal amount of work needed to obtain the substantial amount of loot. Also known as dead bases.
- Coreless/Open core - A typical core that is not completely sealed up and with multiple gaps and pathways leading towards it.
- Tesla Farm: The use of 3-4 teslas all compacted within a single location of a base. Usually used for TH9 war, specially to defend against Hogs/Loons, and out dps's the Heals spell, killing hogs quickly.
- Offset Queen/Queen Island: An advanced war base mechanic/concepts, which revolves having 3 spaces around the Queen's platform, usually 2+ storages, and walled around her in order to ensure she does not jump the wall out of the compartment.
- Kill Zone: The base area which is opposite side of the 'Queen Zone', where the heavily dps such as teslas and Wizard Towers are located to fight off the Kill Squad/team.
- Queen Zone: The location of which The defending Queen's location and walking territory within a base, opposite of the Kill Zones.
- Unlureable CC: A base that doesn't allow all of the CC troops inside to be lured out, even with the use of 5 hogs/loons in exchange.
- Double Seeking: Refers to placement of double seeking air mines beside the Air Defenses to kill Lavaloons more quicker. Usually placed on the ADs opposite of the Queen.
Technical Terms
- DPS - Damage Per Second
- DPA - Damage Per Attack
- HP - Hitpoints, health
- Space - housing space of a specific troop
- Tile - the in-game form of measuring resembling a square meter, used to measure the size of buildings, range of defensive buildings, etc.
- Clan Wars - CW, war
- Clan - guild, group, club
- Hoppers - roamers, leechers, selfopper, destroyers, jumpers. A person who 'hops' from clan to clan for various reasons.
- Leader - boss, chief, head
- Co-Leader - co, second-in-command
- Feeder - a clan who 'feeds' another clan members while training lower-levelled players to match the requirements of that specific clan
- Trophies - cups
- Decorations - Decos, rocks, trees, gem boxes, etc.
- League - division, bronze, silver, gold, crystal, masters, champion,
- Rushing - majorly prematurely upgrading a Town Hall before maxing out everything
- Premmie - Someone who upgrades their townhall straight away without maxing farming troops/troops in general
- Max - to upgrade everything or mostly everything to the specific TH upgrading cap
- Gemming - using gems to speed up the process of upgrading
- Mini - a secondary account usually by players on another device, also known as an alt
- GG - Gold Grab achievement
- HH - Heroic Heist achievement
- EE - Elixir Escapade achievement
- FiN - Friend in Need achievement
- Clash of Clans - CoC, Clash
- Zapping - placing lightning spells on a Dark Elixir Storage.
- X-Mas Tree - Christmas tree
- Season - the cycle of one month where at the end of one donation counts, leagues and top clan leader boards are reset.
- Comp - short term for Army Composition
- Spy - a person who joins a enemy's clan in order to obtain trap and tesla locations